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Outdoor dining expansions

Expansion options

Additional support/resources for businesses

To expand your Footpath Trading in front of your neighbours. you must:

  • Have a Footpath Trading Permit.
  • Have a COVIDSafe Plan in place.
  • Have the support from adjoining businesses of the expansion in front of their premises.
    • download and print a consent form (PDF, 68KB) to be completed and signed by all parties.
  • Apply to amend your liquor licence if you wish to serve alcohol.
  • Ensure pedestrian access zones are maintained at all times.
  • Consider the location and proximity of existing Council infrastructure such as seats, bike hoops and bins in your expansion proposal.  Relocation of Council infrastructure to facilitate expansion will need to be considered and cannot be guaranteed.

Apply for Footpath Trading Plus

Businesses that undertake Footpath Trading Plus will be required to adhere to the following Terms and Conditions:

The Terms and Conditions apply from the date of expansion until 31 August 2021.

  • Extension of the Agreement will be subject to review.
  • Businesses must have a COVIDSafe Plan in place for their business (must include new additional areas).
  • All applications must have updated information and insurances through their footpath trading permits.
  • Additional furniture to be placed in the expanded area must be consistent with the Footpath Trading Guidelines.
  • Social distancing must be provided in accordance with DHHS requirements consistent with prevailing restrictions.
  • The number of patrons in the outdoor dining space must be consistent with DHHS Guidelines.
  • Smoking in all outdoor areas  (including e-cigarettes and shisha tobacco)  was banned in Victoria in 2017. The smoke-free alfresco dining ban covers any commercial outdoor areas at hospitality and food venues used for eating food. This includes footpath dining areas, courtyards and beer gardens during times food is being eaten, or is available to be eaten, and venues serving alcoholic and/or non-alcoholic beverages, eg coffee shops.
  • The outdoor dining area is only permitted to be used during your trading hours of operation. Furniture must be stored away at the end of each day of trade.
  • The outdoor dining site is cleaned, sanitised and maintained in a manner that supports your COVIDSafe Plan and Safe Work Australia “Cleaning to prevent the spread of COVID-19”.
  • A copy of your outdoor dining permit must be kept on your business premises as a hard copy and, if upon request, produce it to any Authorised Officer of Council or member of Victoria Police. Council reserves the right to withdraw the permit, with 48 hours notice, if complaints or concerns are received.

If you are licensed to serve alcohol and wish to expand the area of service you will need prior approval from Council before approaching the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR).

To apply for approval from Council for permission to expand the area where you can serve alcohol please provide your Liquor Licence number with a site plan that clearly outlines the new boundary of the outdoor area and specify the trading hours of operation.

When approved Council will provide you with a letter of permission for you to submit to the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) along with your site plan and trading hours for approval of the Temporary Limited Licence (liquor licence).

Information about applying for a Temporary Limited Licence is available on the VCGLR website.

If you are not licensed but wish to serve alcohol you will need to apply for a Planning Permit.

Don’t have an existing Footpath Trading Permit? Submit a footpath trading application form before applying to expand your liquor licence.

Apply to expand your liquor licence