Employing people with a disability
When employing people with disability, organisations can benefit by:
- Attracting and retaining the best person for the job.
- Increasing the diversity of the workplace.
- Improving workplace productivity.
- Promoting a workplace culture that is accessible and inclusive of employees with disability.
Employment Assistance Fund
The Employment Assistance Fund helps people with disability and mental health conditions by providing financial assistance to purchase a range of work-related modifications and services for people who are about to start a job or who are currently working, as well as those who require assistance to find and prepare for work.
The fund may reimburse the cost of work-related modifications and services including, but not limited to:
- the cost of modifications to the physical work environment
- modifications to work vehicles
- adaptive equipment for the workplace
- information and communication devices
- Auslan interpreting
- specialist services for employees with specific learning disorders and mental health conditions
- disability awareness training
- deafness awareness training
- mental health first aid training.
Recruitment agencies may also apply for reimbursement of Auslan interpreting that they provide for a job interview.
Workplace modifications assessments
The Employment Assistance Fund also provides a free workplace assessment to help identify required modifications. The assessment will examine the workplace and any work barriers and discuss suitable modifications, services and equipment. The assessor will make a recommendation, which the JobAccess service will consider prior to final approval of the application.
Who can apply for assistance?
Employers, people with disability and employment service providers may apply for assistance by registering and completing an on-line Employment Assistance Fund application form at the JobAccess website.
More information
The JobAccess advisers are a team of friendly professionals who provide advice on all matters relating to the employment of people with disability. The Employment Assistance Guidelines are also available from the JobAccess website.
Contact JobAccess
Phone: 1800 464 800