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Bayside Healthy Ageing Reference Group (BHARG)

Bayside City Council is seeking expression of interest from residents to join the Bayside Healthy Ageing Reference Group (BHARG).  BHARG provides an important opportunity for informed discussion, consultation and collaboration on issues affecting older residents and is a key method through which Council engages with older residents.

The Reference Group will:

  • contribute to discussion and advocacy on issues impacting older people and other population groups.
  • provide feedback on policies and strategic issues relevant to the Bayside community
  • provide meaningful input and advice into the development and review of the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing plan. 

We would like to hear from you if you are a community member who meets two or more of the following criteria:

  • live in the City of Bayside
  • have strong links to Bayside
  • participate in activities at a local seniors’ community group or organisation
  • professional background in working with older people.

Please read the Terms of Reference below for more information about the Reference Group .

To register your interest in joining BHARG, please complete the expression of interest form below. 

Hard copy forms are available on request.

For further information about BHARG contact Healthy Ageing on 9599 4373 or

Additional Information 

Bayside Healthy Ageing Reference Group 


Council recognises that decision making is enhanced, that services are better delivered and that strategies and policies are likely to result in better outcomes for the community, when community members are involved in decisions which affect them.

The Bayside Healthy Ageing Reference Group (BHARG) is designed to encourage and support community member’s involvement in Council’s decision making processes.

2. Purpose 

BHARG is one of the methods through which Council engages with residents aged 55+ to identify the needs of older people and to provide input into the development of strategies and plans. 

3. Objectives

 The objectives of BHARG are to: 

  • contribute to discussion and advocacy on issues impacting older people and other population groups; 
  • provide feedback on strategies and strategic issues relevant to the Bayside community; and 
  • provide meaningful input and advice into the development and review of the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing and Disability Action Plans.  

4. Membership 

BHARG membership will comprise:

  • a minimum of 12 community members and a maximum of 30 community members
  • Bayside City Council’s Manager Community Services
  • Bayside City Council’s Healthy Ageing Community Development Officer.

Guests may be invited to attend BHARG depending on matters under discussion.

Administrative support will be provided by Council's Community Services Department.

5. Term of Appointment 

Nominations for membership will be called every two years at which half the Reference Group members will retire.  This will ensure each new Reference Group maintains some experienced members. The maximum term for membership by an individual will be four years except for Council officer membership which will continue beyond the term of the Reference Group.

The maximum term may be extended for individual members at the discretion of Council in the circumstance where maximum nomination numbers are not exceeded, and/or if the ratio of new to experienced members is exceeded, to achieve age, culture, gender balance and geographical representation.  

6. Appointments

Members will be appointed by Council following a public advertisement process.  Selection will be based on the desire to have a Reference Group which is representative of the diversity of older residents, as well as the individual merit and/or experience of those nominating.   

Selection criteria will include community members who meet a minimum of two of the following criteria:

  • are residents of the City of Bayside or have strong links to Bayside; 
  • are a member of a local community group or organisation; and
  • professional background working with older people.

Membership will aim for a group representing a spread of ages, gender, cultures, geographical locations across the municipality and a range of areas of interest/expertise.

Council will advertise for nominations for community members in the local media, on Council’s website, libraries, at Senior Citizens Clubs, Community Centres and other appropriate venues.

7. Accountability

Members of BHARG will:

  • have an active role in communicating community views to Council;
  • participate in discussions at meetings; 
  • attend a minimum of 50 percent of meetings during the two year term; and
  • be responsible for reading all minutes and material provided.

8. Meeting Procedures

8.1 Meetings of BHARG

BHARG will meet at least quarterly with an annual schedule of four meetings published each February.  Additional meetings will be determined on a needs basis in accordance with work being undertaken by Council.  Feedback and input from members may be sourced through means other than meetings. Meetings will be structured in a way as to ensure maximum participation and inclusion.   A meeting quorum will be a minimum of half of the membership plus one.

8.2. Invited Guests or Co-opted Members

BHARG may invite guests or co-opt members to join the Reference Group from time to time in either an expert advisory capacity or for a specified purpose and/or for a specific period of time.

8.3 Chairperson

A chairperson and deputy chairperson will be elected from within the Reference Group at the first meeting of each new term and appointed for two years.  The chairperson and deputy chairperson may seek reappointment at the end of the two year term.

The Chair will have input into and review the Agenda prior to meetings and chair all BHARG meetings.

8.4 Meeting Agenda

The Manager Community Services will approve the agenda for each meeting.  Reference Group members may propose agenda items for the meetings for consideration. Such proposals should be submitted to the Healthy Ageing Community Development Officer no later than two weeks before the next scheduled meeting.

Reference Group members will receive the agenda at least seven days before the meeting.  Information associated with the agenda will be sent to members prior to the meeting wherever possible.

8.5 Conflicts of Interest 

A member with a conflict of interest, or perceived conflict of interest, in a matter before the Reference Group must declare their interest prior to discussion of the item.  This will be a standing item on the agenda.

9. Reporting 

BHARG will review outcomes against actions impacting older people identified in the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing and Disability Action Plans, in accordance with their review schedule. 

10. Review of the Terms of Reference

The terms of reference will be reviewed every two years or sooner, as deemed necessary.

BHARG Expression of interest form 

Your details
Search for your Bayside address
Type out your address
About you
Are you a current BHARG member?
Would you like to remain on BHARG for another 2 years?
Commencing from February 2025, the reference group will meet a minimum of four times per year at the Bayside Corporate Centre in Sandringham for up to two hours generally 1pm – 3pm. Will you be able to attend four sessions a year?
Gender: How do you identify?
What is your age group?
Commencing from February 2025, the reference group will meet a minimum of four times per year at the Bayside Corporate Centre in Sandringham for up to two hours generally 1pm – 3pm. Will you be able to attend four sessions a year?

Thank you for completing this form, please press submit.