Revised Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study
What is Mid-Century Modern architecture?
Mid-century modern is a design movement that influenced a range of areas across society, including graphic design, furniture, interior design, and relevant here, architecture. Mid-century architecture was developed with the movement following World War II, influenced by a rejection of traditional design standards in favour of modern forms, materials, and design direction. Mid-century architecture evolved and developed around the world, with unique designs and trends in Palm Springs, California, Scandinavia, Japan, and here in Australia. Young and aspiring architects here in Australia such as Robin Boyd, Peter McIntyre, David Godsell, John Baird and Eric Lyon, to name a few, experimented with these new shapes and materials, developing a unique form of mid-century architecture in Australia.
Incorporating innovative design features of the period, mid-century modern homes incorporate free flowing and open floorplans, flat and/or skillion roofs, use of exposed and new period materials such as exposed steel, timber, cement sheeting and more. Sometimes structurally daring, mid-century architecture is distinct for the use of clean lines, open floorplans, and a new approach for maximising views and utilising natural light with floor to ceiling windows. Further, an easy connection to outdoor decks and gardens was prominent and endemic of mid-century architecture, and this continues to influence Australian home design to this day.
The Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study
Council resolved to commence a Mid-Century Modern Heritage Study at its 23 June 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting, to be undertaken across 2020/21. The Study has now been prepared and re-titled as the Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study.
Council undertook consultation on the draft Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study from 7 February – 30 April 2022 and received feedback from property owners and key stakeholders which has greatly assisted the revision of the Study. Council also hosted a Delegated Committee Meeting which was held over two evenings at the Council Chamber, Civic Centre at Boxshall Street, Brighton on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 June 2022.
At its 19 July 2022 Meeting, Council considered the feedback received and decided to note the Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study and resolved to remove 28 places from inclusion in a Heritage Overlay. Council also resolved to write to the Minister for Planning to seek authorisation to commence a planning scheme amendment to implement heritage controls on the remaining properties identified in the Study to be of heritage significance. Council has since submitted this request to the Minister for Planning and is awaiting their response.
Council received 33 submissions to the amendment during consultation.
Council and submitters attended an Independent Panning Hearing Monday 26 February 2024 to Friday 1 March 2024.
Panel will provide a detailed report regarding submissions made during exhibition and Council will consider the recommendations made from the Panel members.
A copy of the 19 July 2022 Council Meeting Agenda and Minutes are available to read on Council’s website.
To view the key Panel Hearing Dates.
Stay up to date with the draft Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study and find out more.
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Mid-Century Modern Heritage Voluntary Nomination Process
Through a voluntary nomination process undertaken in 2019-2020, Council sought expressions of interest from landowners to nominate their mid-century modern homes for possible inclusion in the heritage overlay. Assessment of the nominated properties was undertaken as a two stage process and recommended 19 properties within Black Rock and Beaumaris to be implemented in the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay of the Bayside Planning Scheme.
A planning scheme amendment (Amendment C178bays) was submitted to the Minister for Planning in April 2020 in request to apply permanent heritage protection to these 19 buildings. On 11 February 2021, Notice of Approval of Amendment C178bays was published in the Victorian Government Gazette and the Amendment has now came into effect, forming part of the Bayside Planning Scheme.
The Minister changed the amendment so that temporary heritage controls were applied in place of permanent protection. The temporary heritage controls were set to expire on 30 November 2021, hence Council sought for an extension to the controls through a separate planning scheme amendment process (Amendment C183bays) which are now in place until 30 November 2022.
Council will further consider these properties and seek permanent controls through the appropriate planning scheme amendment process.
The final form of Amendment C178bays
The final form of Amendment C183bays
Find out more on heritage
View our previous Heritage Studies and Heritage Action Plan 2020 and our Lets Talk Planning webpage.
Find out more about how a Heritage Overlay is applied on a property and view the Heritage Overlay Process
Read through additional information regarding Heritage in Bayside and FAQs for a property within a Heritage Overlay
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(03) 9599 4441