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Amendment C184bays: Affordable Housing Strategy Outcomes

About Amendment C184?

The Amendment has updated the Bayside Planning Scheme by introducing new local policy and updating the Municipal Planning Strategy. The amendment seeks to implement the themes and actions of the Bayside Affordable Housing Strategy.

Where are we up to?

On 31 May 2023, the Minister of Planning wrote to Council and advised that the Amendment has been approved with the following changes:

  • In Clause 16.10-2L (Housing affordability), removal of dot point 2, which read ‘The redevelopment of government land and Key Focus Residential Growth Areas as identified in the Residential strategic framework plan at Clause 02.04-1.’
  •  In the schedule to Clause 74.02 (Further Strategic Work), change the wording of the first new dot point to read Develop a set of criteria for sites where affordable housing is a consideration in planning applications.
  • Edits to the explanatory report for clarity and ease of reading.

The amendment came into effect when notice of its approval was published in the Victoria Government Gazette on Thursday 8 June 2023.

Key Documents

Viewing of submissions

Exhibition for Amendment C184bays ended on 17 October 2022.

A copy of all the submission are available at Bayside City Council’s Corporate Centre for any person to inspect, free of charge, for two months after the amendment comes into operation or lapses.

Next Steps

Council considered all submissions at the 22 November 2022 Ordinary Meeting and unanimously voted to proceed with submitting C184bays to the Minister for Planning for approval.

The Planning Scheme Amendment Process requires the Minister to make a decision on an adopted amendment within 40 business days of receiving it from the planning authority. The Minister can approve an amendment, or a part of it, with or without changes and subject to conditions.

Read more about the Planning Scheme Amendment process.


If you would like to find out more, please contact:

Name: Nick Bunney, Senior Strategic Planner, Bayside City Council 

Phone: (03) 9599 4484
