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Sector Support and Development

Supporting Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Providers

The Southern Metropolitan Region Sector Development Team supports service providers of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) as they prepare for a new in-home aged care system.

The team helps CHSP providers incorporate wellness, reablement, and diversity into their services.

Popular pages

Southern Metro Region

Department of Health and Aged Care

Support at home program readiness checklists

Diversity and inclusion

Specialisation Verification Framework (SVF)

Quality care

Wellness and Reablement

Volunteer Information for aged care

Workforce for aged care

Business practices

Networks for Aged Care Providers

Information and digital technology

Evidence based research

Southern Metro Region Sector Development Team

Main📧 E:

Alison Clarke, Regional Advisor, Sector Support and Development

☎ M: 0419 376 893

📧 E:

Louise Jardine, Sector Support & Development Project Officer

☎ M: 0408 394 038

📧 E:

Southern Metro Region Alliance

Joan Andrews, Chair

☎ T: 9599 4374

📧 E:

Louise Jardine, Secretariat

☎ T: 9599 4429

📧 E:

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