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Support for carers in Bayside

Carers provide invaluable support to our community and there is assistance available to help you carry on caring.

Beyond the funding provided by the NDIS and My Aged Care, additional support is out there for unpaid carers. From free public transport to fortnightly payments, we’ve collated some information to help ensure you get the support you deserve.

Need some help? Call us on 03 9599 4632 if you want to talk about the services we provide or find out more about other support available.

What we provide

The needs for carers and people receiving care are likely to be different, so we offer a range of services to support both.

Care doesn’t have to permanent. Help can be provided when returning home from a hospital stay, or when family are away.

Our services include:

  • Respite - Respite can provide a carer with time away from direct care responsibilities, while giving a person being cared for the opportunity to receive other health services, care supports, social or recreational services.
  • Domestic assistance - Assistance with household tasks to help keep your house clean and safe.
  • Meals and shopping - Help with shopping and preparing meals or delivering pre-prepared meals to your home.
  • Personal care - Help with bathing or showering and dressing.
  • Home maintenance – Gutter cleaning and minor general repairs, e.g. changing light bulbs or replacing tap washers.
  • Home modification - Minor installation of safety aids such as rails and ramps in your home.
  • Social support - Social activities in a community-based group setting, including lunches and local venues, bus outings and group activities at local centres.
  • Bayside Carers Corner - Information sessions, activities and opportunities to connect with those with similar experiences. View the Bayside Carers Corner Term 3 program
  • Transport - Help to get out and about for shopping, to community centre or medical appointments.

If you are caring for somebody over the age of 65 you will need to speak to My Aged Care. You can call them on 1800 200 422 (Monday-Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday 10am-2pm) or visit the My Aged Care website.

If you are caring for somebody under 65, you can give us a call on 03 9599 4632 or, if you have a permanent and significant disability you may be eligible for NDIS support.

My Aged Care process explained

Other support providers

Carer Allowance and Carer Payment

Care Allowance is a supplementary payment available for carers who provide additional daily care to an adult or child with a disability or medical condition or someone who is aged.

Care Payment can provide financial support if you are unable to work in substantial paid employment because you are providing full time care to a child or adult with a severe disability or medical condition or someone who is frail aged.

Telephone: 132 717

Apply at the Australian Government website

Carers Victoria

As the statewide body for supporting carers, Carers Victoria offers a range of services and programs to help carers. This includes; information, counselling, workshops and no-interest loan schemes.

Telephone: 1800 242 636

Visit Carers Victoria website

Carer Gateway

Carer Gateway is a national online and phone service that provides practical information and resources to support carers. It can also link carers to local support services.

Telephone: 1800 422 737 (emergency respite and after-hours support)

Visit Carer Gateway website

Alfred Health Carer Services

This service can help you with information and resources, assist you to identify helpful services, give you some support to manage your own health and wellbeing and organise emergency respite.

Telephone: 1800 51 21 21  (8:30am to 5:00pm)

Visit Alfred Health Carer Services website

Benefit cards

Companion Card

From Palace Cinemas on Bay Street to Sandringham Football Club, Companion Cards are a great incentive to get out and about with two-for-one tickets. Companion cards are issued to people who, due to their disability, require significant support access the community. Organisations should admit the cardholder’s companion at no charge in order to comply with disability anti-discrimination legislation.

As the scheme is voluntary, it is always worth making bookings over the phone in advance to check the card is accepted and to make sure the venue is accessible. You may be required to provide your card number when booking and present your card when attending an event.

Free public transport

Companion cards can be used on Victorian public transport to enable carers to travel for free on trains, tams and metropolitan buses.

Telephone: 1800 650 611

Apply for a Companion Card

Victorian Carer Card

The Victorian Carer Card is an initiative by the Victorian Government that aims to recognise the invaluable contribution of carers. It provides discounts on products and services including travel and leisure, education, tourism, health and wellness and retail. Additional benefits include free public transport of Sunday’s and two return off peak travel vouchers for travel anywhere throughout Victoria.

Telephone: 1800 901 958

Apply for a Carer Card

For specific conditions

Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS)

The CAPS is an Australian Government Scheme that provides a payment to assist eligible people who have permanent and severe lass of bladder and/or bowel function (incontinence) with the cost of their incontinence products.

Telephone: 1800 330 066

Apply for CAPS online

Dementia Behaviour Advisory Service (DBMAS Vic)

Supports carers of people with dementia who experience behaviours of concern that may impact on their carers. DBMAS Vic is an advice, assessment, intervention, education and support service available 24 hours a day.

Telephone: 1800 100 500

Visit DBMAS website

Powers of Attorney

Power of Attorney are legal documents which allow a person choose someone to make decisions for them in the event they lose capacity.

Powers of Attorney cover different areas of decision-making on behalf of a person:

  • An Enduring Power to Attorney (financial) allows someone to make financial and legal decisions.
  • The Appointment of a medical treatment decision maker form allows someone to make decisions about medical treatments.
  • Enduring Power of Guardianship allows someone to make personal and lifestyle decisions.

Telephone: 1300 309 337

Public Advocate website