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Neighbourhood Watch coffee catchup

Residents of Brighton and other Bayside suburbs are warmly invited to Neighbourhood Watch Brighton's inaugural "Coffee with the Cops event".

Our local police are joining us for a coffee, and residents can ask questions and voice concerns in a relaxed and social environment. 

Registration is required.

Please email Ed Davis to register your attendance -

Head over to the new official Neighbourhood Watch Brighton Facebook page and 'like' them to receive updates in your newsfeed. The page will share useful, practical tips, advice and info, to help you feel safer and more connected to your community and you can learn some simple, practical steps to protect you, your home and your family.

Like Neighbourhood Watch Brighton Facebook Page


Image of Bayside Mayor Cr Hanna El Moallem with senior Victoria Police representatives Darryn Cooper, Senior Sergeant (second from left), Dr Catherine Wilkins, Inspector, Glen Eira and Bayside Local Area Commander (far right) and Neighbourhood Watch 3191 representative Phil Lovel AM (third from left).



  • 10:00am-11:00am


Dendy Deli
26 Church Street


Ed Davis


0415 865 485