What fauna lives in Bayside?
Find out about the native wildlife that lives in Bayside, and ways you can support our remaining populations.
Indigenous fauna in Bayside
As indigenous vegetation has declined in Bayside since European settlement, so has the habitat for our native fauna. Bayside was once home to many ground-dwelling marsupials and mammals, including wombats, kangaroos, wallabies, echidna, bandicoots, antechinus and native mice.
Nowadays, our remaining native fauna depends on the pockets of vegetation in the bushlands, golf courses, foreshore and our own backyards for habitat and food.
Tree hollows in mature trees provide home to microbats and native birds. You may see artificial bat boxes in the parks providing homes for our microbat populations.
If you are walking along the coastline at sunset, you may spot a Rakali, or Native Water Rat, hunting for aquatic insects, small fish, crustaceans and mussels. Food is often carried to a feeding platform, which is a favourite log or flat rock.
In the hotter months, you may find the Eastern Blue Tongue Lizard soaking up the warmth from the concrete paths and roads in Sandringham. Brown snakes are often sighted along the Coastal Trail.
Our native birdlife has been more fortunate than our mammals at surviving in the urban environment, with over 113 species of native and migratory bird species still visiting or inhabiting Bayside.
Along our coastline, thickets of dense vegetation provide protection for the Superb Blue Wren.
Tawny Frogmouths are often spotted roosting in mature street or park trees, and happily breed here.
Migratory bird species are regular visitors to our bushlands, heathlands and beaches.
Want to support our native animal populations? Learn how to create a wildlife friendly garden.
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Injured wildlife
If you find an injured animal, try your best to keep it calm and comfortable and then:
- call your local vet
- contact AWARE Wildlife Rescue on 0412 433 727
- contact Wildlife Victoria on 8400 7300.
Join a wildlife group
Friends of Native Wildlife
Friends of Native Wildlife are Bayside residents active in conserving local native fauna. Our purpose is to promote conservation of our wildlife through education and engagement, surveys, advising local authorities, and working to improve habitat.
Friends of Native Wildlife website
Want to identify a bird?
The Bird Finder website allows you to search, browse or find information about individual Australian birds.