Dangerous and menacing dogs
The owners of dangerous and menacing dogs have requirements placed upon them to prevent their dogs harming the community.
Dangerous dog
A dog is declared dangerous by a council because:
- it has caused, by biting or attacking, the death of or serious injury to a person or animal.
- it is a menacing dog and the owner has received 2 infringement notices for failing to comply with restraint requirements.
- it has been declared a dangerous dog under a law of another state or territory.
- if the owner has been found guilty or paid infringements for the dog attacking or rushing more than once.
A dog is automatically a dangerous dog if:
- the dog has at any time been kept as a guard dog for the purposes of guarding a non-residential premises.
- the dog has been trained to attack or bite any person or item worn by a person.
Menacing dog
A dog is declared menacing by a council because it has:
- rushed at or chased a person.
- bitten a person or animal and caused a non-serious injury.
- been declared a menacing dog under a law of another state or territory.
For more information about dangerous or menacing dogs, or dog attacks, go to the Victorian State Government website.