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Apply to use a sportsground for pre-season training

When are the grounds available?

Pre-season training on Council sportsgrounds will be permitted (subject to suitable sportsground conditions) upon application and written Council approval.

Pre-season access 2024: 

Summer pre-season applications open: Wednesday 24 July 2024

Summer pre-season applications close: Wednesday 7 August 2024

Summer pre-season access from: Monday 19 August 2024*

*Subject to current winter club usage and ground condition assessment. 

Clubs may apply for a maximum of 2 sessions per week, with a maximum of 2 hours per session, subject to ground assessments and availability. 

Before applying please check that your club has:

  • Paid any outstanding debts with Bayside City Council.
  • A public liability insurance certificate of currency to the value of $20 million.
  • An understanding of the pre-season code of conduct. 
  • Received written approval from current allocated tenant club.
  • Read through our Sports Facility User Guide

Can I use the ground for a practice match?

Practice matches are strictly NOT available on allocated sportsgrounds during preseason.  Penalties apply.

Club details

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Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf
Total upload limit per form is 30 MB

Current club approval
Have you checked ground availability with the current seasonal tenant using the ground?
Person at current club who agreed with training request
Your application is unable to progress without approval from the current seasonal tenant.
Training times
Which teams are you applying for?
Date training will start - senior teams
Date training will start - junior teams

Please download our template and complete with your proposed pre-season requirements.

Download our pre-season request application template


Allowed file upload: one file only
File must be less than 30 MB
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx xls xlsx
Total upload limit per form is 30 MB

Your details
Enter your postal address
I agree as the duly elected official I have read all conditions included within the current Bayside City Council pre-season training code of conduct and fully understand their meaning. The organisation agrees to abide by all of the conditions. The organisation has taken out insurance with the minimum $20 million public liability coverage in accordance with the code of conduct and agree to keep the policy current at all times during the term of this agreement, and any other Council approved period of use. I am aware that pre-season training allocation will not be provided to clubs that have outstanding debt with Council. I acknowledge that this application does not include the scheduling of a practice match. I understand penalties apply for unauthorised use of sportsgrounds. I am aware that allocations may be revoked at any time pending ground condition.

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