Love Bayside, go for zero
Working towards a net zero community
Bayside City Council’s declaration of a climate emergency on 17 December 2019 recognises the need for urgent, meaningful action on human-induced climate change at all levels of government, including local government.
Council has since adopted the Climate Emergency Action Plan 2020-2025 which details actions Council will take to respond to the climate emergency, as well as support for the community to take action on climate change.
We have been certified carbon neutral in our operations since September 2020 by avoiding, reducing, switching, and offsetting our greenhouse gas emissions. Bayside City Council is the first Council in the south-east region of Melbourne to achieve certified carbon neutrality, joining a small number of Councils across the nation. We continue to maintain our carbon neutral status for Council operations.
We reduced our emissions, and continue to do so, through smarter, more efficient buildings and lighting, installing solar on community buildings, switching to 100% renewable energy, purchasing electric fleet vehicles, installing electric vehicle charging stations, and purchasing offsets providing direct benefits in Australia and internationally.
As a community, our greatest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Bayside is electricity use (61%). The majority of this is residential electricity use (44%) (Snapshot emissions tool).
(Bayside community greenhouse gas emissions profile 2021, Snapshot emissions tool)
Council has adopted a community greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 75% below 2005 levels by 2030, and net zero by 2035 (or earlier).
To achieve a safer climate and a thriving community, we need to work together.
Click through to find out what actions you can take to reduce emissions and find out more about programs on offer to help support households, businesses, and community groups in the transition to zero emissions.
Now is the time to switch to renewable energy and electrify your home – Love Bayside, go for zero!