Growing our urban forest
We’ve drafted precinct plans for each Bayside suburb to guide local tree planting and greening, prioritising the areas that need it most.
Precinct plans have been prepared for each Bayside suburb as a key action of our Urban Forest Strategy, which aims to deliver urgent, meaningful action on climate change and enhance and protect our living environment.
Creating tailored plans to meet the individual challenges and opportunities of each suburb will play an important role in achieving the Bayside Urban Forest Strategy’s overarching goal of increasing Bayside’s urban tree canopy cover from 16% to 30% by 2040.
The draft precinct plans contain actions which identify locations for investigation and prioritisation for tree and understorey planting to enhance character and biodiversity and support residents to green their own spaces.
Key actions to grow our urban forest include:
- Creating a diverse and healthy urban forest that reinforces greater outcomes for biodiversity.
- enhancing landscape outcomes and increasing tree and vegetation; cover to reach 30% across each suburb, by prioritising areas in greatest need.
- learning together, educating each other, encouraging, and celebrating greater care and protection of the Bayside Urban Forest; and
- Maintaining our existing canopy cover across Brighton and avoid any further decline where possible.
Consultation on the draft precinct plans is open until 8 October 2023. Share your feedback via the survey to go into the draw to win a free plant from the Bayside Community Nursery. If you want to provide feedback in person, come say hello at one of our pop-up events, we will be handing out seed packs for you to plant in your backyard.
View the draft precinct plan for your suburb and have your say
Branching out from Beaumaris
Beaumaris was the first precinct plan to be developed and was endorsed by Council at its February 2023 meeting following community consultation.
Did you know?
We planted more than 3,400 trees in streets and parks in 2022.
That’s 2,000 more than we typically plant in a year. We will continue to increase our annual tree planting program to help meet the Bayside Urban Forest Strategy targets.