Register a food or drink business
When do I need this registration?
Local business owners are required to register their food business under the Food Act 1984.
You should only apply for this food business registration once the fit out and internal works are completed, and the business is ready to trade.
A final inspection is required of the food premises prior to Council issuing a Certificate of Food Act Registration. Find out more about registering a food business.
Applications made today will include registration for your food and drink business until 31 December 2024.
Before you begin
All businesses, organisations, individuals and community groups selling food or drink in Victoria must be classified according to the highest level of risk their food handling activities pose. To determine what classification Class your business may be, see the Food Business Classifications Predetermined List.
It takes about 10 minutes to complete the form and you will need the following information:
- Is this a new food or drink business or is there a change of ownership?
- Contact details for the proprietor and business.
- Business trading name and details.
- Classification details of your food business.
- Class 1 and 2: food safety program information, food safety supervisor contact details, copy of menu to upload, copy of floor plan to upload, numbers of employees.
- Class 3: copy of menu to upload, copy of floor plan to upload, numbers of employees.
- Pay the application fee by Visa or Mastercard.
Applications are usually processed within 7 days after being received.
After you submit the application
- An Environmental Health Officer will assess the application.
- We may contact you for more information.
- We'll notify you of the decision on whether or not a permit can be granted.
- View our Food Safety Tips for businesses.
- A final inspection is required prior to commencing trade. To book a final inspection, contact your Environmental Health Officer on 9599 4417 or via email.
What happens to my information?
We record your information on our customer database and make it available to relevant Council staff in line with our privacy policy for the purpose of supporting your business.