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Nominate a tree for our significant tree register

Anyone can nominate a tree, be it located on any private or Bayside City Council land, to be added to our significant tree register.

Trees included on our significant tree register are protected under Council’s Local Law, as detailed in our significant trees management Policy.

Some trees, through age, size, and rarity of planting or association with historical events achieve a higher level of importance on private or public land. 

Nominations can be made on the below form and, if the tree is on private property, should include written support of the land owner if possible.

Nominations will go to our Investigations Unit and our arborist will inspect the tree on receipt of an application to determine if it has the characteristics of a significant tree.

If the inspection identifies the tree is potentially significant, a consulting arborist will be engaged at Council’s cost to conduct an assessment.

If the consulting arborist’s report concludes that the tree is significant, a report will be prepared for Council recommending listing the tree on the register by resolution at a Council Meeting.

We will contact you via email if any additional details are required and once an outcome has been confirmed.

What if I don’t agree with the outcome of my nomination?

Applicants who are not satisfied with the outcome of a nomination assessment can have the decision appealed to Council for consideration at a Council meeting.

Your details
Tree details
Is the tree on private or public property?
Does the owner of the property where the tree is located support this nomination?

You can still submit this application. However, we will seek the necessary written support form the property owner for the tree to be added to our Significant Tree Register.

You can still submit this application. However, we will seek the necessary written support form the property owner for the tree to be added to our Significant Tree Register.

Support from the property owner is advantageous to a tree being added to the Significant Tree Register.

Without property owner support, Council officers will be unable to inspect the tree and produce a report for Council.

National Trust Australia (Victoria) Significant Tree Ratings

The categories used to define significant trees (registration criteria and significance ratings) are:

1 Scientific

  • Horticultural or genetic value
  • Important source of seed or propagating stock
  • Particularly resistant to disease or exposure
  • Species or variety that is rare or of a very localised distribution
  • Remnant native vegetation
  • Outstanding for its size
  • An outstanding example of the species

2 Social

  • Unique location or context
  • Contribution to landscape
  • Associated with Aboriginal activities
  • Important landmark
  • Spiritual and religious associations
  • Contemporary association with the community

3 Historic

  • Forms part of an historic park, garden or town
  • Commemorative plantings
  • Associated with an important event
  • Associated with an important person, group or institution

4 Aesthetic

  • A really great looking tree
  • Exhibits curious growth form or unusual physical features
  • Is a better than average example of its species, or a tree in its location
Which criteria does the tree come under?
Do you know the tree name?
Estimated tree height
Would you like to upload a photo of the tree?

Allowed file upload: one file only
File must be less than 10 MB
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx
Total upload limit per form is 30 MB

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