New pavilion at Cheltenham Park
The Mayor, Councillor Michael Heffernan, yesterday opened the new pavilion at Cheltenham Park. The Cheltenham Park Pavilion was built at a cost of $2.4 million and took under 12 months to build.
The original pavilion was built in the early 1970s and was approximately 300m2. This new pavilion is 50% larger and has many innovative environmental initiatives which include:
- power saving motion sensor lights
- latest technology LED lighting
- water saving taps with set durations so that taps can’t be left on
- an underground water tank to capture excess water for building and landscaping use
The striking and environmentally sustainable building was designed by Katz Architecture and built by Stokes Rousseau. The pavilion will be the new home of the Cheltenham Cricket Club, Hampton Junior Soccer Club and the Southside Dog School.
Along with the new Pavilion, we have been able to complete a major power upgrade and new sportsground lighting on Cheltenham Park Oval West. This will assist Council in providing winter clubs with training facilities in the early evening hours.
Bayside City Council takes its environmental stewardship role very seriously. Cheltenham Park is part of the migratory path of the Micro-Bat. These tiny bats are about the size of your thumb and use our chain of southern parks and trees to feed and rest during migration. In response to community concerns about the impact of sportsground lighting on these wonderful little creatures, Council commissioned an expert report. As a result, these new lights on the western oval will not be used until May each winter to ensure they do not interfere with the micro-bats feeding patterns.