View or object to a planning permit application
Update: viewing planning applications online
On 24 March 2021, the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Act) was amended in relation to the publication and inspection of a range of documents and information.
The Act now requires a range of documents and information to be made available in accordance with the new ‘Public Availability Requirements’. Essentially the Act now permits certain documents and information to be accessed online as well as in person at Council offices.
Whilst documents and information can now be published online, personal information about an individual cannot be published without the individual’s consent. The only information that may be published without consent is property addresses.
What information can be viewed?
At this current time, the application form, a copy of title and plans will be available to view with all personal information redacted.
Please contact the Planning Department on (03) 9599 4666 if you have any queries.
Who can view or object to a planning permit application?
If a planning permit application is currently advertised, all community members have the opportunity to view it and raise any issues or concerns.
How can I view a planning permit application?
In light of changes to the Planning and Environment Act 1987, all unauthorised personal information contained in planning permit application documents and information will be redacted before being published online.
View planning applications online
If the planning application documents you require are not currently available online, you can view them at our office, 76 Royal Avenue Sandringham, from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Alternatively, call our Planning Department on (03) 9599 4666 for assistance.
How do I make an objection?
It is important to clearly understand the proposal first. Call us or make an appointment if you require assistance from one of our planners.
By mail
You can write a letter clearly explaining why you object and how you would be affected.
Send it by the due date to:
The Planning Department
Bayside City Council
PO Box 27
Sandringham VIC 3191.
Are objections publicly available?
All objections are publicly available to view in our Sandringham office or copies can be sent to the applicant on request.
What happens next?
Both the applicant and any objectors will be kept informed as the application progresses.
If you do not hear anything for a number of weeks, please rest assured that no decision has been made. It is likely that the application is at a holding stage whilst the applicant considers their options in light of objector and/or Council concerns.
What happens if objections are lodged to a planning permit application?
If objections are received the application would generally take one of the following courses:
- The applicant may attempt to make contact to see if your concerns can be alleviated through private negotiations (whether or not you engage in such discussions is entirely up to the individual parties).
- If the total number of objections does not exceed two, the application will likely progress to the decision stage. Please note that should this be the case, all objections and submissions will be taken into account prior to making this decision and will be addressed in the delegate report which describes how Council came to its decision.
- If the total number of objections is three or greater, and the applicant is willing to engage, a community consultation meeting or information session may be held in Council offices to discuss the application further.
- If the number of objections remains at three or more at the decision stage, and the planning department is of the view to support the application, the application would be decided by the Councillors at a Planning and Amenity Committee meeting. Applicants and objectors will be invited and given an opportunity to put forward their views. Learn about the process in the following video.
Objection withdrawals
If changes are made to the application and / or your original issues have been otherwise addressed, you are able to withdraw your objection at any time using the following link:
What happens if a decision is made that I disagree with?
If a decision is made on an application that you disagree with you can appeal to VCAT for a review of Council’s decision.