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Bayside Roving Repair Program

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Develop the skills and confidence to repair items instead of throwing them away

Each workshop will bring people together to repair or repurpose, keeping items out of landfill.
In our modern world, we throw away an alarming amount of items that, if we knew how to repair, we could give them a second chance.

Upcoming workshops

Click the links below to explore each event’s details and book your spot. You can learn about the repair focus and what kind of repairs might be possible at each workshop. We invite you to these workshops to repair your items and become part of a thriving, sustainable community that values items for as long as possible

About the program

The Roving Repair Program is an initiative of Bayside City Council, launched in 2023, with the vision of creating a sustainable and empowered community. Our goal is to reduce waste to landfill by promoting repair, reuse, and upskilling within Bayside. Sustainability Victoria proudly funds this innovative project. 

In late 2023, a series of pop-up repair events occurred across Bayside. Each event focused on a particular theme: textiles and clothes, electronics and appliances, toys and small furniture, bicycles, and more. We are committed to creating a supportive space where experienced repairers can come together with people just starting their repair journey to learn, share knowledge, and build lasting connections. 

Useful information

How does the Roving Repair Program work?

Bayside City Council organise events focused on specific repair themes, such as bicycles, toys, textiles, books, appliances, and woodwork. Experienced repairers will do their best to help you repair or repurpose items, whilst sharing skills, to empower you to continue your repair journey. Bring your damaged items and we will do our best to match it with someone who can help.

Are repairs done for free?

Our volunteers generously donate their time and expertise to help you fix items and promote a culture of repair. Sometimes, the Council will pay expert repairers for their services and time. We will do our best to make all repairs free. Basic materials will be covered; however, in some instances, a donation may be required to cover materials that are more costly to Council.

What can I bring to a repair event?

Each repair event will have a specific focus. Please check the event listing to see what items are being repaired. If you don’t see an event that covers items you have awaiting repair, please get in touch. While we will do our best to match you with a repairer, not all items can be repaired on the day.

What if my item cannot be repaired?

Our repairs will do their best to repair as many items as possible. However, suppose an item is beyond repair or requires specialised tools or parts. In that case, we will guide you in getting further assistance.

Can I volunteer at the Repair Cafe?

Absolutely! We welcome passionate individuals who want to contribute to the Roving Repair Program. If you have repair skills or want to help with organising and logistics, please contact us through the provided contact information

Do I need to register for the Repair events?

Click on the event links for details about booking. Some events will have particular session times, whilst others will work on a drop in basis. Booking will help us ensure we have enough repairers to hand to help as many people as possible.

Don’t have items to repair but want to attend?

Feel free to drop by during any of the events for more information or to see how things are being repaired and learn more about the repair movement and the circular economy. We would love to connect.

  • When registering upon arrival, we will do our best to match you to the appropriate repairer
  • There may be wait times. We encourage people to grab a tea or coffee and observe repairs/chat with others waiting
  • The work carried out in the repair event is performed free of charge by the repair experts and volunteers at hand
  • Visitors carry out the repairs themselves whenever possible, but repair experts and volunteers are on site and can help if necessary
  • Repairs are done for free, meaning neither the organisers nor the repair experts and volunteers are liable for any loss that may result from advice or instructions concerning repairs
  • Visitors offering broken items for repair do so at their own risk
  • We cannot guarantee that items will be repaired
  • Repair experts/ volunteers are entitled to refuse to repair certain objects
  • Items may be repaired in a DIY fashion. If you want perfection, we recommend seeking a professional repairer and paying for their service
  • Experts/ volunteers offering repairs no guarantee for the repairs. We will test where appropriate but cannot guarantee that objects work properly once you take them home
  • Repair experts are not obliged to reassemble disassembled appliances that cannot be repaired. Especially if they have people waiting for repairs
  • A maximum of ONE broken item per person will be examined during busy times. The visitor will join the back of the queue if there is a second item for repair. 

Whether you're eager to present a workshop, assist in skill development, or have a venue suggestion, we welcome your input and enthusiasm.

To express your interest in being involved in the Roving Repair Program, please complete the 'Expression of Interest' form through the link provided below. We will reach out to you to discuss your potential involvement further.

This project is supported by the Circular Economy Councils Fund. The Fund is delivered by Sustainability Victoria under the Victorian Government’s circular economy policy, Recycling Victoria: a new economy.

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