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Sports Club Hub

Bayside Club Hub

At Bayside City Council we know that sports clubs play a vital role in health and wellbeing of local communities. We also acknowledge the hard work of our club volunteers and we are committed to supporting them to ensure the clubs they power survive and thrive. The Bayside Club Hub provides information and resources to assist volunteers in their efforts to provide safe and inclusive clubs for the Bayside community to participate in physical activity.

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To keep up to date with the latest sports club news and community events like Grants, Upcoming Events, Club Development Resources, and much more

Click on the link to Subscribe to our Recreation and Events Quarterly Newsletter


Child Safeguarding

Safeguarding children and young people

Bayside City Council is proud to be a child safe organisation.

From 1 July 2023 all organisations and business that provide services or facilities for children and young people, are required to comply with the Victorian Child Safe Standards, including sport and recreation clubs.

Our Sport and Recreation team can provide child safe education including resources, workshops, and general support.  Bayside City Council also has a dedicated Child Safe Officer.  Find out more about child safety and wellbeing at Bayside 

Always check in with your sporting association for code specific resources and for the most up to date information on Child Safeguarding.

Vicsport - Child Safe Sport

Vicsport has an online education program to support sporting community clubs implement the 11 Child Safe Standards.  The program is free and interactive program, designed to guide sport administrators, volunteers, coaches and/or officials through the Standards.

Find out more 

Commission for Children and Young People

New Child Safe Standards Toolkit

Commission for Children and young people have developed resources to raise awareness of the Child Safe Standards and includes posters and social media content for organisations and young people.

Find out more.

Sport Integrity Australia

Sport Integrity Australia provides a number of safeguarding resources including Induction and recruitment of volunteers and reporting and responding to Child Safe incidents guidance documents and online communication with children and young people.

Find out more.




Club Information 

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) installation at Bayside community use pavilions.

Council will support clubs by strengthening information around publicly available defibrillator access within the local community and defibrillator options that clubs may wish to consider or purchase. However, we don’t intend to install and maintain defibrillators at pavilions.  

Requests by club to install a defibrillator at pavilions (internally/externally) will require Council approval.

Defibrillators will remain the responsibility of the club to install and maintain. 

Seasonal Tenant Clubs 

Clubs with a seasonal pavilion tenancy can choose to install their own defibrillator.  Clubs are required to maintain and check the unit.

Tenant clubs who have purchased a defibrillator and share sites with other clubs, may opt to place the defibrillator in a central location at the pavilion with access available to other clubs and pavilion users.

Accessibility/access to club owned defibrillators is a decision for the primary club as owner of the unit.

Ambulance Victoria

Ambulance Victoria has set up an AED locator platform which finds defibs by location (postcode/suburb name)

Clubs are encouraged to register to use this platform.

  • Sign up to the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Registry here:
  • AEDs may be de-registered through the site or new AEDs registered.
  • Club may choose to have website link saved as a favourite and ask club representatives to regularly familiarise with the closest defibrillator.


Click here to access the spreadsheet - please contact us at if you have any questions or issues filling in the spreadsheet.


The Sports Club Minor Works Program aims to provide a transparent and equitable process to address requests from recreation organisations for small construction projects on Council owned or managed land. Proposed projects must be consistent with Council policies and objectives and only projects that are fully funded by the club/organisation making the request will be considered.

Sports Club Minor Works Program

Sports club development forum 

Female footballer at an oval holding a football with players in the background

Thanks to the Bayside sports and recreation clubs that joined us at Sports Club Development Forum, on Monday 19 June 2023. It was great to see so many clubs represented on the night.  We value the terrific role that your club plays for our local community and appreciate the work carried out by so many great volunteers.

We are committed to supporting and developing clubs in Bayside. We hope the information and resources provided at the forum will help your club with service delivery and provide additional supports to benefit your club.

The presentations from the evening have been made available for club and include some resources that may be beneficial.

Please note, these PDF presentations were created by third parties and may not adhere to accessibility standards. Where possible, we can request a Word document or text-based version of a PDF. If we are unable to supply a text-based version of the requested document, we will let you know. More on website accessibility.

Gender Equity & Inclusion presentation - Adele Fox. A/Policy Manager, Office & Women in Sport & Recreation.
Overview of the State Government Gender Equity Roadmap, Regulatory requirements.

Child Safe Standards - Elena Ricciuti, Child Safe Officer, Bayside City Council.
Child Safe Regulatory updates and Council support.

Volunteering - Laura Bristow, Community Development Officer, Bayside City Council. 
Presented by: Ros Pruden, Manager Family, Youth & Wellbeing, Bayside City Council
Council Volunteering supports and suggested resources.

Grants - Teneille Mahony, Community & Social Planner.  Bayside City Council. 
Presented by: Ros Pruden, Manager Family, Youth & Wellbeing, Bayside City Council
Annual Community Grants overview

Good Sports - Alex Gair, Senior Community Development Officer.  Alcohol & Drug Foundation
Good Sports program including alcohol and drug policies for clubs, and club member wellbeing.

Peer Learnings - Sandringham Soccer Club (Simon Oliver, President)
Q&A outlining female participation programs. (No presentation slides) 

Projects and Club Updates - David Nankervis, Recreation & Events Coordinator.  Bayside City Council.  Recent & upcoming Capital Works Projects and general information for clubs,


Forum Theme: Change The Game

For more information and support please email 

Please note, these PDF presentations were created by third parties and may not adhere to accessibility standards. Where possible, we can request a Word document or text-based version of a PDF. If we are unable to supply a text-based version of the requested document, we will let you know. More on website accessibility.


1.Better Health Network -

2.Events and permits - 

3.Office for Women in Sport and Recreation - Jess Bell , recreation planning officer & Seniors Month – Judy Page - 

4.Recreation Development Officers – the clubs Council Liaison will have the direct emails or further enquiries 

5.Volunteer Support, Inclusion or Capital works projects - 

6.GoodSport Program support - 

7.Team Sport 4 All - or refer a child.