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Artistic engineering - a creative solution for Allard Street bridge

We’re improving safety and minimising risk on the narrow Allard Street bridge in Brighton by creating a shared use zone for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles. We’re reducing the speed limit to 10km/h and highlighting the shared zone with a colourful, eye-catching “Road Garden” painted onto the bridge’s road surface by local artist Julia Gorman.

Decorative designs on roads have been associated with lower vehicle speeds and this creative traffic management solution is intended to minimise risks for all road and footpath users.

Site plan

Allard Street Concept drawing March 2023

Key features of works

Works on the bridge will include:

  • New speed humps on both sides of the bridge
  • Trimming some vegetation
  • Minor footpath realignment
  • Lighting to improve visibility at night

Get in touch

Project information

Ranjani Jha, Senior Project Manager

03 9599 4863

Art installation

Giacomina Pradolin, Arts and Culture Program Coordinator

03 9599 4371