Make a submission for Bayside planning scheme amendment C175
Key things to remember when writing a submission
- If your submission concerns a property other than where you live, give details of that property and of your interest in it.
- To ensure that we consider your submission, it must be received by the specified closing date.
- Do not use this form to object to an application for a planning permit. You can make an objection by using the object to the granting of a planning permit form.
A submission should
- Set out your views on the amendment (for example why you support or oppose the amendment and how the amendment will materially affect you).
- Set out what you would like the planning authority to do (for example exclude certain land from its effect, change certain requirements of the amendment)
How do I find out about what is proposed?
You can go to our Bayside Planning Scheme Amendment C175 webpage.
Please note the planning authority must make a copy of any submission available for any person to inspect. If you have any queries about this, please contact our Privacy Officer on (03) 9599 4444 or at