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Delay to mid-century heritage study

COVID-19 lockdown restrictions have pushed out the timing of the draft mid century modern heritage study.

Independent, expert heritage consultants GJM Heritage are conducting the study which includes research, site visits (from public areas) and a review of previous Council heritage studies.

The study has been impacted by COVID-19 restrictions as the consultants have not been able to access historical and heritage resources or view potential heritage properties.

Property owner engagement

Stage 1

Once the draft heritage study is completed following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, property owners will be able to provide initial, existing additional information to support or challenge the heritage findings for their property.

Interested stakeholders will also be provided with the opportunity to supply additional information.

Stage 2

Following this, the study will be presented to Council for consideration and the commencement of a planning scheme amendment to include identified properties within the Heritage Overlay.

The planning amendment process is a standard process prescribed by law applying to all proposed changes to the Bayside Planning Scheme and other similar schemes in other Council areas.

It provides a further, rigorous opportunity for property owners and other interested parties to make submissions, including the opportunity to provide further evidence including expert opinion.

If submissions are received during the planning amendment process, Council may request that an Independent Planning Panel be appointed to hear and consider submissions and further evidence and make recommendations to Council on how best to proceed with the amendment.

The Victorian Minister for Planning makes the final decision on whether to refuse or approve the amendment to introduce the Heritage Overlay to properties within in the Bayside Planning Scheme.


Council has a responsibility for heritage preservation as outlined in the Victorian Planning and Environment Act 1987 to “conserve and enhance those buildings, areas or other places which are of scientific, aesthetic, architectural or historical interest, or otherwise of special cultural value”.

All local governments across Victoria are responsible for protecting local heritage. This includes the application of the Heritage Overlay to properties identified as being of heritage significance. Currently in Bayside there are approximately 1,500 properties in the Heritage Overlay.

Council resolved to commence a Mid-Century Modern Heritage Study at its 23 June 2020 Ordinary Meeting, to be undertaken across 2020-2021. 

Find out more details on the background and Heritage Overlay process.

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