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Meet our friendly librarian Luke

We sat down with Acting Branch Librarian for Hampton and Sandringham, Luke to discuss his top reading recommendations. 

What are you currently reading and listening to? 

The best book I've read recently is Time Shelter, by Georgi Gospodinov. A beautifully written story that reflects on time, and memory, and forgetting, and the end of history. When I finished it, I just wanted to start again.

Music-wise I’ve only recently discovered Sevdaliza. I don’t know much about her at all, but I’m loving her album Ison. It’s darkly atmospheric, sparse and glitchy.

What is your favourite book genre? 

I love art books, but then I just look at the pictures. Most of what I read gets lumped under literary fiction, but I like variety. I'm attracted to anything that’s a bit left field. If it’s uncanny, unusual, or just a bit weird I’m willing to give it a chance.

What are your top library recommendations?

The posthumous memoirs of Brás Cubas, by Machado de Assis. The ghost of a decadent and disagreeable 19th century Brazilian aristocrat decides to write his memoir. He tells of his failed romances and half-hearted political ambitions; he philosophises and complains with gusto from the depths of his grave.

Cold enough for snow, by Jessica Au. A young woman takes her mother on a trip to Japan in the hope of kindling greater intimacy in their relationship. Very little happens in a narrative sense, but the writing is beautifully restrained, thoughtful, contemplative and it sensitively hints at all the things the characters are unable to say to each other.

Born in blackness, by Howard French. A non-fiction history that totally transformed my understanding of the role of Africa in world history. I read this months ago and I’m still thinking about it.

How long have you worked at Bayside Libraries? Describe your role and your favourite memory.

I’ve been at Bayside for about 14 months. Right now, I'm acting Branch Librarian for the Hampton and Sandringham branches. Essentially, it’s a team leader role. I try to ensure our fantastically talented and passionate team have whatever they need to do what they do best. Usually that means just staying out of their way.
My favourite memory? Last Christmas I got to work very closely with Santa when he visited Sandy library - that was pretty special. 

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