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Baysiders saving waste from landfill one battery at a time

Bayside community recycling stations have proven successful with over seven tonnes of e-waste saved from landfill in 2021 to date.

This includes:

  • 1,453 kgs of batteries
  • 191 kgs of light globes and fluorescent light tubes
  • 306 kgs of x-rays                                             
  • 869 kgs of phones, cameras, and accessories
  • 2,851 kgs of media items including DVDs, CDs and VHS tapes

Dispose of small e-waste items like batteries, old phones, light bulbs, and small cords for free by taking them to one of our community recycling stations available at Beaumaris, Sandringham, and Brighton libraries and at the Council Corporate Centre at 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham.

Many of these items aren’t allowed to go in any of your kerbside bins so it’s great that many Baysiders take advantage of the recycling stations. 

Never put e-waste in a household bin

E-waste is any item with a battery, cord, or plug that is no longer working or wanted. E-waste was banned from landfill in July 2019.

When placed in any of your bins, e-waste, particularly batteries, is incredibly dangerous and a leading cause of truck and facility fires, putting workers at extreme risk.  

These items also contain hazardous materials such as lead and mercury, harmful to both human health and the environment. They also contain valuable materials such as gold, silver, and copper, which can be recovered and reused. Rather than sitting in landfill, your e-waste can be remade into something new.

For instance, over 1 million mobile phones are discarded in Australia every year. If we recovered them all, we could reuse up to 16 tonnes of copper, 350 kilograms of silver, and 34 kilograms of gold!

Take advantage of Council’s community recycling stations for your batteries and other small household e-waste items.

Learn more about e-waste and what your disposal options are