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Do Your Thing

Youth Services Performer Call Out

photo of two young people singing into a microphone. Left has long brown hair, rainbow t shirt and is holding a guitar. right young person has long blonde hair and is wearing a rainbow striped t shirt and playing a steel grey guitar. The microphone is between them.

Are you looking for opportunities to showcase your talents?

Bayside City Council is offering young performers (aged 12-25) a platform to do their thing at our youth events and community gigs. We run events, programs, and activities for young people in the local area and often partner with other community festivals and events that are happening across Bayside.

Beginner, intermediate, pro, dancer, singer, guitarist, slam poet, rap group, magician, poi, fire twirler, lyrical or comical genius? Whatever it is that you do and at whatever skill level, we want you to do your thing and if you would love the world to see (or at least the local community!), then register now!


  • Aged 12-25 years old
  • Live, work, study or recreate in Bayside

How to get involved

  • Register your interest below
  • A Youth Worker will get in contact with you to discuss upcoming opportunities and help plan your performance.

    For more information: or call us on 9599 4622.


Your connection to Bayside (live, work, school, study, recreate)
What is your performance?
Do you have the equipment you need to perform?
Have you performed before? If so, please specify your experience.
If you have not uploaded anything to social media at this stage in your career, please make sure to upload a video/audio taken with a phone below, so that our committee can listen/watch your performance.

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Total upload limit per form is 30 MB

Would you like to keep up to date with events and programs Bayside Youth Services are running?