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Cycle Sandringham

Young girl on a bike with training wheels on Bay Trail bike path alongside Beach Road

As part of Cycle Sandringham Stage 1, we’ve upgraded bike paths and improved the supporting infrastructure on:

  • Melrose Street - between Station Street and Beach Road.
  • Beach Road - between Melrose Street and Royal Avenue, and between Masefield Avenue and Royal Avenue.
  • Royal Avenue - between Beach Road and Fernhill Road.

The upgrade will improve safety for cyclists, pedestrians, and road users.

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Project information

  • Line marking and symbols on roads and footpaths.
  • Pedestrian refuge island on Melrose Street, near Beach Road.
  • Footpath-to-road ramp on Royal Avenue.
  • Signage.

June 2024

To ensure the safety of workers, and road and footpath users, we’ll be temporarily closing sections within the works area. Traffic management and bollards will indicate no access areas during these times, please ensure the area(s) are left clear.

  • Commencing mid-June (anticipated), for up to 2 weeks, weather permitting.
    • Melrose Street and Beach Road intersection.
      • Line marking on Melrose Street.
      • Installing a new pedestrian refuge island on Melrose Street at the Beach Road intersection.
        • Melrose Street access via Station Street only during works.
        • Sandringham Hotel carpark access will be maintained.


  • Week commencing 17 June (anticipated), for up to 4 days, weather permitting.
    • Beach Road footpath adjacent to the Sandringham Hotel, between Melrose Street and Bay Road.
      • A shared path along the existing footpath.
      • Footpath and driveway marking on Beach Road.
      • Line marking on Beach Road.
        • Sandringham Hotel carpark access will be maintained.


  • Week commencing 17 June (anticipated), for up to 2 days, weather permitting.
    • Shared path on the beach side of Beach Road, between the Royal Avenue pedestrian crossing and Masefield Avenue.
    • Shared path on the residential side of Beach Road, between the Royal Avenue pedestrian crossing and Royal Avenue.
      • Line marking on Beach Road.
      • Footpath and driveway marking on Beach Road.


  • Commencing mid-late June (anticipated), for up to 2 weeks, weather permitting.
    • Royal Avenue between Beach Road and Fernhill Road.
      • Minor curb and footpath-to-road ramp works on Royal Avenue near Beach Road.
      • Line marking on Royal Avenue.
      • Line marking at the intersection of Royal Avenue and Fernhill Street.

Cycle Sandringham Stage 1: Melrose Street to Royal Avenue:

Map of Cycle Sandringham stage 1 section 1 bike path between Melrose Street and Royal Avenue

New features at Melrose Street and Beach Road intersection:

Map of Cycle Sandringham stage 1 section 1 bike path treatments at the Melrose Street and Beach Road intersection

New features at the Beach Road and Royal Avenue intersection:

Map of Cycle Sandringham stage 1 section 1 bike path treatments at the Beach Road and Royal Avenue intersection

New features on Royal Avenue:

Map of Cycle Sandringham stage 1 section 1 bike path treatments at the Beach Road and Royal Avenue intersection



Stage 1 works are scheduled to commence 11 June for up to one month, weather permitting. Works are being undertaken between 7am - 5pm, Monday to Friday. We anticipate only minor disruptions to traffic on Beach Road.

The indicative cost to deliver Stage 1 is $85,000.

Between 30 January – 26 February 2023, we engaged with the community about this project. Council officers considered information from key stakeholders and community consultation feedback. These considerations led to the adjustment of the proposed route. At the November 2023 Council meeting, Council endorsed the adjusted route and staged delivery approach.

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Get in touch

Alex Moukomel

Project Manager, Capital Projects

03 9599 4779

Deanna Herbison

Senior Economic Development Officer

03 9599 4646