Plans, strategies and policies
Below are Bayside's strategic plans, strategies and policies. These reports inform and guide Council's key priorities, objectives and values.
Annual Report
Previous annual reports
- Annual Report 2021-22
- Annual Report 2020-21
- Annual report 2019–20
- Annual report 2018–19
- Annual report 2017–18
- Annual report 2016–17
- Annual report 2015–16
We value your feedback on the annual report and our performance. Feedback can be provided by leaving a comment.
Annual Budget
The Annual Budget 2024–25 outlines the services and initiatives to be funded for the 2024–25 financial year.
Bayside 2050 Community Vision
The Bayside 2050 Community Vision is a consensus aspirational view of a desired future that sets out the key priorities, aspirations and values that Council and the community will use to help make decisions to shape the Bayside of the future. The vision was developed by a representative community panel of local residents over February to July 2020.
Council Plan
The Council plan 2021-25 Year 4 sets out our vision, goals, strategic objectives and strategies for the Council's 4-year-term in office.
The Council Plan is implemented each year through an annual action plan. At least once in each financial year, Council must consider whether the current Council Plan requires any adjustment in respect of the remaining period of the Council Plan and renew the Annual Action Plan and Annual Budget for the following year.
Disability Action Plan 2021–25
The Disability Action Plan addresses the Disability Act 2006 and forms part of the Bayside Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021–25. The Disability Action Plan sets out a whole of Council approach for the next four years to improve disability access and inclusion Bayside.
Financial Plan 2021–22 to 2030–31
The Financial plan 2021-22 to 2030-31 is Council's key 10-year financial planning document and is governed by a series of financial strategies and accompanying performance indicators.
Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025
Our Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) seeks to address inequalities that stem from seven persistent areas of workplace gender inequality identified by the Gender Equality Commission (Commission). The Gender Equality Act requires organisations including Council, to take meaningful steps towards gender equality. Council is committed to ensuring all people, regardless of their gender, to reach their full potential and to feel safe, respected and valued at work.
Municipal Emergency Management Plan
The broad objectives of the municipal emergency management plan are to implement measures to prevent or reduce the causes or effects of emergencies, manage resource allocation in response to emergencies, manage the support offered from adjoining municipalities and assist the community in recovery efforts.
Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021–25
Bayside's Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025
Bayside's Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan meets the requirements of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 and streamlines community services planning for health and wellbeing from early childhood, through to youth, adult lives and older years. The strategy has 4 goals: connected and thriving community, healthy and active community, respectful and safe community and a fair and inclusive community.
Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2022–24
Council's Innovate reconciliation action plan outlines practical actions that will drive an organisation’s contribution to reconciliation both internally and in the communities in which it operates.
Volunteer Recruitment Retention and Recognition Plan 2022–26
Council's Volunteer recruitment retention and recognition plan outlines the volunteering priorities over the next four year.
Service strategies and plans
The strategies and plans below guide the delivery of Bayside services to meet the needs of our community.
Arts, Culture and Libraries
Bayside Arts, Culture and Libraries Strategy 2023–2027
The Bayside Arts, Culture and Libraries Strategy 2023–2027 seeks to connect our community to stories, creativity and each other for a lifetime of fulfilment, inspiration, and possibility.
Asset plan 2023–32
This Asset Plan has been developed to guide and demonstrate Bayside Council’s responsible and sustainable management of its infrastructure assets and model the funding required to meet the future service needs of the community.
Building and planning
The housing strategy was updated in September 2019 and guides how residential development in Bayside will be planned and managed over the next 20 years.
You can view the previous housing strategy via the following link: Bayside housing strategy 2012.
Bayside affordable housing strategy 2021
The affordable housing strategy was adopted in June 2021. The strategy has been developed to guide how Council can assist the increase in supply of appropriate and accessible affordable housing in Bayside over the next 4 years.
The Strategy is accompanied by the Bayside affordable housing background report 2021.
Buildings service-driven asset management plan 2016
The purpose of the Buildings Service-Driven Asset Management Plan 2016 is to document a robust business case for the continued investment into buildings owned and operated by Council, and the services those buildings provide to the community.
Drainage service-driven asset management plan 2015
The drainage service-driven asset management plan 2015 is used to inform decision making about our existing long-life drainage infrastructure through a focus on improved asset data, the testing and validation of asset management assumptions, and the prediction of long-term financial renewal requirements.
Drainage upgrade strategy
The objective of the drainage upgrade strategy is 10 year program of priority drainage upgrade projects that aim to improve the performance of under-performing underground pipe networks at locations known to be susceptible to damage from flooding.
Business, commerce and customers
Bayside tourism strategy 2013
The purpose of the Bayside tourism strategy 2013 is to consolidate Bayside's existing tourism strengths and successes, find new opportunities for leadership in the sector, and to identify suitable partnerships with industry and the community.
Digital transformation strategy 2018–21
Council's plan to ensure that customers are central to how we design and provide services, including transforming our digital channels. Our aim is to make all services accessible to everyone though their preferred method, whether that be online, print, telephone or face to face.
Economic development, tourism and placemaking strategy 2024-2029
The economic development, tourism and placemaking strategy is a framework that supports the sustainable development of the local economy. It will support initiatives, decisions and deliverables for local businesses and the community, and foster partnerships with service groups. It provides support for events, and manage initiatives to attract visitors, and maintain and enhance the liveability and beautification of the local area and create a roadmap for precinct development.
Retail, commercial and employment strategy 2016–31
This strategy explores and provides policy directions on the future evolution of activity centres and employment lands within the City of Bayside.
Facilities and venues
Early years infrastructure plan 2018–28
The plan provides Council with a strategic framework to guide the provision of Council owned early years facilities
Property strategy 2022–26
The property strategy 2022–26 provides a set of principles and improvements to the overall management and performance of our property portfolio.
Public toilet strategy 2024–28
The public toilet strategy outlines how to meet community and visitor needs in relation to location, safety and quality of public toilets.
Pets and animals
Domestic Animal Management Plan 2022–26
The Domestic Animal Management Plan 2022–26 guides decision-making in relation to pets in the community.
Local Laws
Under the Local Government Act, Bayside City Council has the authority to create and enforce Local Laws and Council policies.
Roads, parking and transport
Bayside integrated transport strategy
The integrated transport strategy is a framework and specific actions designed to achieve a well connected, safe, accessible and convenient transport system that positively contributes to a strong economy, the health and wellbeing of the community and a low carbon future.
Bayside register of public roads
The Bayside register of public roads contains a list of the roads and lanes that we consider are reasonably required for general public use and for which Council is the responsible coordinating road authority.
Bayside road safety strategy 2019–24
The strategy is about people, traffic and reducing road trauma. However, it is also about encouraging people to be out and about, walking or cycling, moving freely around the municipality and participating actively in our community.
Bayside road management plan (DOCX)
The purpose of the road management plan is to document the standards and priorities for inspection, maintenance and repairs of the road network. The plan outlines our responsibilities to ensure that roads and footpath are safe.
Bayside walking strategy
The walking strategy aims to address the barriers to walking and build on these opportunities to establish a more walkable municipality.
Bicycle action plan 2019–26
The bicycle action plan presents directions aimed at addressing the needs of all cyclists and facilitating a culture of cycling in Bayside.
Roads service driven asset management plan
The roads service driven asset management plan is used to inform decision making about existing road infrastructure assets through a focus on improved asset data, the testing and validation of asset management assumptions and the prediction of long-term financial renewal requirements.
Parking Strategy: Parking Sustainably 2023-2033
The Bayside Parking Strategy has been prepared to guide Council in the effective management of parking resources, both now and into the future, in line with Bayside 2050 Community Vision, Theme for Transport – “Bayside will support provision of effective, sustainable and inclusive transport services and infrastructure”.
Sport and recreation
Active by the bay recreation strategy
The active by the bay recreation strategy guides the planning, management and provision of recreation facilities and services in the City of Bayside for 2013–22.
Bayside sportsground pavilion improvement plan
Council's sportsground pavilion improvement plan was reviewed in 2019 and has been updated to reflect changes in the way community sport is conducted and to reflect the increase in female participation.
Bayside tennis strategy 2019–28
The Bayside tennis strategy was undertaken to guide the sustainability of tennis in Bayside. It considers a range of issues and provides recommendations to support the sustainability of tennis in the municipality and address issues associated with ageing infrastructure.
Fair Access Action Plan 2024 - 28
The Fair Access Action Plan outlines how Council will deliver on the Fair Access Policy, which addresses known barriers experienced by women and girls in accessing and using community sport and recreation infrastructure, whilst also supporting inclusive opportunities for the sports and active recreation community.
Recreation and open space asset management plan (DOCX)
Recreation and open space asset management plan (PDF)
The recreation and open space asset management plan is a means of outlining the key elements involved in managing the recreation, open space and facility assets.
Sustainability and environment
Bayside coastal management plan 2014
The Bayside coastal management plan provides strategic direction and policy on coastal use, management and development for the whole of the City of Bayside foreshore.
Biodiversity action plan June 2024
Bayside City Council is committed to maintaining natural biodiversity assets and increasing conservation effort within its unique natural areas. The plan provides specific actions to implement the strategic objectives of the ESF (Environmental Sustainability Framework) and other issues raised through consultation with the Bayside community along with the recommendations provided by ecological experts.
Climate emergency action plan
This plan identifies the actions Council will take to respond to the climate emergency, and support our local community to take action to reduce their impact on the environment.
Environmental sustainability framework 2016–25
Environment sustainability framework action plan 2019–23
The environmental sustainability framework 2016–25 sets direction and guidance for our environmental planning and decision-making. The action plan sets out the actions to achieve our environment sustainability objectives.
Open space sustainable water management strategy
The Open Space Sustainable Water Management Strategy provides direction and targets for alternative water supply within the municipality.
Recycling and waste management strategy 2018–27
The Recycling and Waste Management Strategy is a ten year plan to reduce the impact of waste that goes to landfill.
‘Water for Bayside’ integrated water management plan 2024-27
Integrated Water Management is a collaborative approach to water planning and management that brings together all aspects of the water cycle. ‘Water for Bayside’ outlines an action plan including flood storage, stormwater harvesting and stormwater treatment projects.
Parks, reserves and beaches
Bayside open space strategy
The Bayside open space strategy is a 20 year planning document to provide policy and strategy to enable us to make decisions about how open space is used, developed, managed and maintained across the municipality.
Bayside open space strategy: suburb analysis and action plan
The Bayside open space strategy: suburb analysis and action plan provides details as to how the principles, policies and actions developed in the Bayside open space strategy will be applied at a local level.
Black Rock foreshore masterplan
The Black Rock foreshore masterplan guides design, priorities and staging of on-ground works on the foreshore between Arkaringa Crescent and Fourth Street including public open space associated with Black Rock House.
Brighton Beach to Ferdinando Gardens masterplan
The Brighton Beach to Ferdinando Gardens masterplan directly guides priorities, design and staging of works on Council managed land within this foreshore precinct (from south of Green Point, Brighton to Linacre Road, Hampton, including Ferdinando Gardens). The plan also implements the recommendations of current strategic plans including the Bayside open space strategy (2012) and the Bayside coastal management plan (2014).
Cheltenham Park final masterplan
The Cheltenham Park masterplan is a 10 year planning document that sets out a timeline for improvements to path networks, car parking, and drainage while balancing the parks unique conservation and active recreation values.
Dendy Beach Visitor Management Plan.
The Dendy Beach Visitor (VMP) outlines a strategic roadmap for Council to establish a comprehensive strategy for visitor experience and sustainable management of all visitors to the foreshore.
Dendy Park masterplan
The Dendy Park masterplan will provide the long-term strategic vision and direction for the future use, management and development of Dendy Park for the next 10 years.
North Road foreshore masterplan
The North Road foreshore masterplan aims to guide, design and prioritise works on Council managed land from Head Street through to Chelsea Street along the foreshore in Brighton and includes the North Point Café, car park and public boat ramp as well as Sandown Street beach and Royal Brighton Yacht Club. The Master plan will inform Council's capital works program, funding applications and priorities for infrastructure renewal, replacement and redevelopment over the next decade. The Master plan will also be a key tool to assist Council and other stakeholders in obtaining the required coastal management consent from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning for implementation of projects within the precinct.
Red Bluff to Half Moon Bay masterplan
The Red Bluff to Half Moon Bay masterplan directly guides design, priorities and staging of works on Council managed land within the precinct, implementing the recommendations of current strategic plans including the Bayside open space strategy 2012 and Bayside coastal management plan 2014.
Sandringham Beach and Gardens masterplan
The Sandringham Beach and Gardens masterplan directly guides priorities, design and staging of works on Council managed land with this foreshore precinct (from Abbott Street to Eliza Street, Sandringham, including Sandringham Gardens). The plan also implements the recommendations of current strategic plans including the Bayside open space strategy 2012 and Bayside coastal management plan 2014.
Sandringham foreshore masterplan
The Sandringham foreshore masterplan directly guides design, priorities and staging of on-ground works on Council managed land within the precinct, implementing the recommendations of current strategic plans.
Trees and vegetation
Bayside Urban Forest Strategy
The Bayside Urban Forest Strategy identifies a range of actions to be undertaken over the next four years to improve Bayside’s urban environment in partnership with the community and respond to the effects of climate change.
Bayside tree strategy
The Bayside tree strategy has been developed to provide a framework of actions to ensure that the future public and private spaces within Bayside are well treed.
Bayside native vegetation works program - Stage 1
Bayside native vegetation works program - Stage 2
This is a readily usable works-manual which clearly sets-out the management strategies for each reserve including a time frame for the works to be undertaken.
Electric Line Clearance Management Plan
The Electric Line Clearance Management Plan outlines how we ensure continuity of electricity supply along with the management and protection of vegetated areas.
Guideline for working near council trees
The working near council trees guidelines outlines the methods and responsibilities required when working around council trees.
Our current policies
- Arts and Heritage Collection Policy 2023
- Asset Management Policy 2023
- Bathing Box and Boatshed Policy 2010
- Building Over Council Easement Policy 2018
- Community and Stakeholder Engagement Policy 2021
- Community Garden Policy 2023-2028
- Complaints Handling Policy 2024
- Contaminated and Potentially Contaminated Land Policy 2018
- Council Expenses, Reimbursement, Support and Accountability Policy 2020
- Council Grants Policy 2021
- Councillor Gift and Hospitality Policy 2021
- Customer Experience Policy 2024
- Discontinuance and Sale of Roads, Right of Ways and Reserves Policy 2022
- Election Period Policy 2024
- Events in Public Places Policy 2024
- Fair Access Policy 2024
- Footpath Trading Policy 2022
- Footpath Treatments Within Road Reserve Policy 2023-2028
- Foreshore Parking Permit Policy 2023
- Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy 2024
- Governance Charter 2018
- Graffiti management policy 2024-28
- Investment Policy 2022
- Lease and Licence Policy 2023
- Loan Guarantee Policy 2022
- Local Area Traffic Management Policy 2023
- Management of Barbed Wire Policy 2021
- Managing on Street Car Parking Demand Policy 2023
- Media Policy 2024
- Parking Permit Policy 2023
- Parklet Policy
- Parklet Design Guidelines
- Privacy and Data Protection Policy 2022
- Procurement Policy 2021
- Public Interest Disclosure Procedures
- Public Transparency Policy 2020
- Risk Management Policy 2023
- Road Reserve Bluestone Replacement Policy 2018
- Safeguarding Children and Young People - Code of Conduct 2021
- Safeguarding Children and Young People - Incident Management Procedure 2021
- Safeguarding Children and Young People - Policy 2021
- Safeguarding Children and Young People - Reporting Policy 2021
- Significant Trees Management Policy 2020
- Street and Park Tree Management Policy 2024
- Sustainable Building and Infrastructure Policy 2022
- Temporary Advertising Signs on Recreation Reserves Policy 2005
- Wildlife Friendly Lighting Policy 2021
- Works on Assets Within the Road Reserve Policy 2018